Ready Set Write

It’s easy to say, “I’m going to write 1,000 words every morning” or “I’m going to write for 60 minutes every day.” But what if 1K words or morning writing (or 60 minutes or daily writing) isn’t your sweet spot?

Then the writing schedule you created means nothing.

You need to know the variables that work for you: time of day, word count goal, setting, and more.

With an established writing routine in place — one that you know works FOR YOU — your book-writing will be far more efficient, getting you to your goal of a published book sooner.

How does a writing routine help?

In my work as a book coach and editor for business owners writing books, I take clients through an exercise to establish calendars to both draft their book and bring the final manuscript to launch/publication.

Often they don’t have a writing routine in place. That makes calendar creation far more difficult. What we need is a REALISTIC schedule. If you know when, where, and how you write best, though, we can easily do it. I created this 30-day challenge to give you time to experiment (so you have data to measure) as well as build that writing muscle.

Start experimenting now so your book-writing is efficient later.

Grab your writing tracker and get started below.


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