Episode 181: Revising Write.Publish.Market. in 2025 (Part 3)

In this episode, Jodi updates listeners on her current book revision project, focusing on the unexpectedly detailed process of revising the working table of contents and organizing new material into chapters. Jodi shares her strategy aroumnd deciding to self-publish once again, discusses plans to incorporate a pre-order option, and talks about considerations for assembling her book team..

Time Stamps:
00:00 Revising Third Edition Contents

03:14 Endless Research vs. Writing Transition

06:23 "Managing Writing Projects Effectively


book publishing, marketing asset, business owner, Jodi Brandon, book revision, writing phase, table of contents, self publishing, Amazon, hybrid publisher, writing schedule, book team, pre order, copy editor, book launch, business development, organizational productivity, holiday season, manuscript, writing schedule, mini projects, book revision process, business growth, industry experts, business experiences, client gifts, holiday season gifts, writing material, book strategy, book market, business strategy

Resources Mentioned:

Coffee + Commas signup: https://bit.ly/coffeeandcommassignup

Ready Set Write Challenge: www.jodibrandoneditorial.com/readysetwrite



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