Episode 16: Sharing Your Story in a Book with Kelsey Baldwin

Episode 16: Sharing Your Story in a Book with Kelsey Baldwin  |  Write Publish Market Podcast  |  Jodi Brandon Editorial

Today on the show Jodi interviews Kelsey Baldwin, author of Strong Girl, Brave Girl (2019). Here are some highlights of the conversation:

  • Jodi and Kelsey talked about how Kelsey came to write this book. Kelsey noted that she’s always liked to write and returned to it throughout her life. She shared that initially  she thought she would wait until this part of her life was “finished” but after hearing a podcast interview one day, she decided not to wait and to publish the book even though the part of her life she shares was not yet “finished” or “over.”

  • Jodi and Kelsey discussed how the book really is for anyone going through a hard time, not necessarily just for single moms or divorced women. The theme of the “messy middle” applies to so many situations.

  • Kelsey shared that, for the most part, she loved the whole process of book writing/publishing because it was something she had always been fascinated by. As a designer, she of course enjoyed the design phase of production. Kelsey shared that used to design book interiors at an agency job.

  • Kelsey noted that she didn’t love the self-editing part of the process and that it was difficult to read the same manuscript “over and over and over.” (Jodi noted that most people don’t like that part unless they’re the editor!) Kelsey also shared that, the closer the launch got, the more anxious she became about sharing such a personal story.

  • Kelsey shared that she’s gotten some speaking events since publishing the book and that recently at an event she met Emily Ley and was able to give her a copy of Strong Girl, Brave Girl. Emily had heard of the book, which was fun and exciting!

  • Kelsey offered a piece of advice that considers obvious to potential authors and author-entrepreneurs: just start writing. Even without a purpose, Kelsey says, putting your butt in the chair and creating a writing habit will serve you in the long run.

  • Kelsey shared that she’s reading Happer at Home by Gretchen Rubin, recently finished When Less Becomes More by Emily Ley and the Magnolia Table cookbook. (Kelsey and Jodi both enjoy cookbooks that you can read like a traditional book rather than just one recipe after another.)

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Episode 15: Books and Speaking with Guest Expert Jessica Rasdall

Find Kelsey here: Website | Instagram | Strong Girl, Brave Girl

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