Jodi Brandon Editorial: 2017 Goals

What is it about the start of a new year that’s so refreshing? I love the look of a blank calendar, just waiting to be filled in. The whole year is before us, filled with possibility. I set goals for each year rather than resolutions, and breaking t…

What is it about the start of a new year that’s so refreshing? I love the look of a blank calendar, just waiting to be filled in. The whole year is before us, filled with possibility.

I set goals for each year rather than resolutions, and breaking them down in a realistic way has done wonders for my self-esteem (AKA I set manageable goals that I am realistically able to achieve — versus feeling like a failure when not achieving goals that were unreachable to begin with). If you read my 2016 recap[LINK TO POST], it shouldn’t surprise you that I have big things in store for 2017, both personally and for Jodi Brandon Editorial, hoping to capitalize on the growth and momentum of last year.

Business Goals

This list contains my big, scary goals, more of an overview than a checklist of every single thing this year holds, as well as some ongoing tasks I want to continue in 2017. (Feel free to hold me accountable as the year goes on. And stay tuned, as plans are subject to change, right?)

Promote/Refresh Existing Products

What I love about books is that they’re evergreen: Write.Publish.Market. the book I released this past fall, is out there, available for purchase anytime. I recognize that without continued effort on my part, though, the days of big sales (like those that came during the launch period) are behind me. I plan to work on book marketing a little each week, with a bigger push (such as participating in a blog tour) quarterly.

I’m planning (and have started) a refresh of Book Prep Bootcamp based on feedback from the initial course participants, and that will also be evergreen. The possibility of more people starting their books makes me warm and fuzzy!

Launch New Products and Services

People have been asking me about writing coaching and a group program for a while now, and I have finally formulated a program that I think suits people’s needs: The Write Life, a combo virtual book planning retreat, writing mastermind, and concluding with an in-person writing retreat. We’re going to get your books written, friends! Look for more information about this one, because it’s coming soon!

This fall I’ll be launching the follow-up to Book Prep Bootcamp: Self-Publishing Bootcamp. I’ve had quite a few people tell me that their manuscript is finished but they don’t know what comes next. I’ve got you covered! I started outlining the modules for this earlier this year and think it’s going to be super helpful for my clients and others looking for post-writing guidance.

Before those two big launches, though, come smaller ones: a Lunch + Learn series on Facebook Live every other Thursday (beginning tomorrow!) as well as a YouTube channel. If you have anything you’d like to hear about that’s writing- or publishing-related, let me know.


One of Jodi Brandon Editorial’s core values is “Collaboration is king,” so you know this is a big priority for me. I hope to guest post on others’ blogs, and have guest posters on mine, throughout the year, as well as be a podcast guest on several of my favorite listens. Open to other ideas, too; working together not only brings me joy, but invigorates my creativity!


I want this to be a year of connecting: with my team, with my clients, with the online creative community, and with people in my life. (One of my personal goals is more downtime, after a hectic-beyond-hectic 2016. I think that will help with this goal!) Coffee chats were such a huge part of my 2016, and I want that to continue in 2017. (If we haven’t connected yet and you want to, please reach out. I’d love to share a cuppa joe with you!)

Behind the Scenes: Systems

Workflows and systems are always in the mix for improvement. One you’ll see very soon is updated copy on my website. Why is this one of those tasks that always moves to the bottom of the list? (Note to self: Update testimonials and the like more often, Jodi.) I introduced book writing coaching last year and STILL haven’t added the page to my site. That’s about to change, too.

Personal Goals

My personal goals fall more into general categories than tasks. When December 2017 rolls around, I just want to feel good about where I am in each of these areas.


I’m not getting any younger, friends! I need to move more. Plain and simple. I downloaded the Couch-to-5K app and, though I haven’t been a real runner since my high school track days, I can certainly get myself out there for a few miles. Fresh air and quiet time for the win. This area also encompasses my goal to cook more at home and try more new recipes. I’m sure there will still be nights of “Let’s have cereal for dinner” in my future, but meal prepping works if it’s done consistently, so . . . I’m good about drinking a lot of water and am lucky that I enjoy healthy foods (and don’t have a big sweet tooth), but could do better with meal planning and meal prep. It just makes the week go so much smoother, doesn’t it?


Each night before I crash, I take time to write three things I’m grateful for from the day. Sometimes they’re big things; sometimes they’re not. Anything goes here. I started this practice years ago when I was struggling with infertility and, frankly, needed a lifeline to feeling good about something. Some (okay, most) days I struggled to think of just one thing to be thankful for, but it became a habit that I truly value. I believe you can find something — anything, no matter how small and seemingly insignificant — to be grateful for each day during dark times. This also falls in line with another Jodi Brandon Editorial core value: Begin each day with a grateful heart.


As a semi-extroverted introvert, I crave downtime. I am a total homebody, especially in the warmer months when we can have a glass of wine on the deck before dinner, eat outside, and there are extra hours of daylight. With a big extended family, a hectic travel schedule for my husband, and a growing business for me, downtime doesn’t happen on its own, so I plan to make it a bigger priority in 2017. My husband and I love to entertain, so more cookouts with cousins and family, more happy hours with our neighbors, and more nights around the fire pit as the weather cools are on the docket. (Just to be clear: Cool weather, yes. Cold weather like the snow outside my window right now, no thanks. Flip-flop weather for the win, please!)

What do your 2017 goals look like? Let’s hold each other accountable and make 2017 our best year yet!

If a book is (or might be) in your 2017 plans, join me on Facebook Live tomorrow, January 5, 2017, at 12PM EST. I’ll be talking about how to account for a book project in your 2017 planning!