Episode 183: 3 Tips for Business Owners Writing a Book to Stay on Schedule

In this episode, Jodi presents three easy tips/strategies for staying on track with your book writing project as a busy business owner: setting deadlines, establishing progress goals, and scheduling consistent “book time” to effectively manage and complete the project. 

Time Stamps:
00:00 Publishing Timeline and Productivity Tips

04:39 "Realistic Goals: Scheduling for Success"

06:56 "Take the First Step"

book writing, business owner, publishing, marketing asset, book publishing strategist, writing project, book production schedule, book launch plans, manuscript, calendar, writing schedule, goal setting, deadlines, progress goals, supported CEO, realistic goals, writing time, revise, research phase, self editing, book marketing, copy editor, typesetter, cover designer, non negotiables, schedule, industry experts, writing tips, imposter syndrome, mindset, book revision

Resources Mentioned:

Coffee + Commas signup: https://bit.ly/coffeeandcommassignup

Ready Set Write Challenge: www.jodibrandoneditorial.com/readysetwrite

Write Publish Market episode 181: Revising Write.Publish.Market. in 2025 (Part 3)

Write Publlish Market episode 152: The Role of Capacity for Business Owners Writing Books with Ginny Krauss and Elli Runkles




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