Episode 184: Navigating a Business, Multiple Books, and Various Publishing Paths

In this episode, Jodi talks with Sage Rountree, a multi-book author and expert in yoga for athletes, to explore her diverse book publishing journey. Sage shares insights from her experiences with both traditional and self-publishing, highlighting her collaboration with multiple publishers and the value of having a literary agent. The conversation includes how Sage determines which ideas become books versus courses or some other offering, her method for efficient drafting, and the essential role her books play in strengthening her niche yoga business.

Time Stamps:
00:00 Welcome and Introduction to Sage Rountree

03:13 Cinderella Story: Yoga Book Proposal

08:17 Niche Yoga Teaching Specialization

10:15 Embracing All Aspects of Writing

14:28 Dual Careers: Athlete & Yoga Coach

16:29 Book Publishing as Lead Magnet

20:08 Seamless Creative Partnership

23:12 Sage Rountree’s Diverse Offerings

book marketing asset, business growth, Jodi Brandon, book publishing strategist, book publishing industry, Sage Rountree, multiple book author, yoga for athletes, yoga teacher trainer, Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses, Professional Yoga Teacher's Handbook, Art of Yoga Sequencing, Yoga Teacher Confidential podcast, Carrboro Yoga Co., virtual studio, comfortzoneyoga.com, sageroundtree.com, academic publishing, Velopress publisher, book proposal, literary agent, North Atlantic Books, self-published book, Racing Wisely, book origin, book audience, book drafting, professional yoga teacher, book publishing advice, self publishing

Resources Mentioned:
Teaching Yoga to Athletes (Sage's signature online course)comfortzoneyoga.com (Sage Rountree's virtual studio focused on teacher development)
Coffee + Commas signup: https://bit.ly/coffeeandcommassignup
Ready Set Write Challenge: www.jodibrandoneditorial.com/readysetwrite
The Princess of Las Vegas by Chris Bojalian

About Our Guest:

Sage Rountree is a pioneer in yoga for athletes and a yoga teacher trainer whose twelve books include Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses, The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook, and The Art of Yoga Sequencing. Sage hosts the Yoga Teacher Confidential podcast and co-owns the Carrboro Yoga Company, where she has taught the same Monday night class for over 20 years. Her virtual studio focused on teacher development is at comfortzoneyoga.com, and her website is sagerountree.com, with no letter d.


Yoga Teacher Confidential podcast




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