Episode 5.16: Questions to Ask before hiring Book Team Members

On this episode of the Write.Publish.Market podcast Jodi is sharing with you a few questions you need to ask when planning your book writing process. You’ll need different types of people to join your team to get your book out there into the world, and since you’ll be working closely with them, you want to make sure you’ve got the right people on your team! Here are the questions you need to be asking:

  1. What is the process like to work with you?

  2. What is the cost investment to work with you?

  3. Can you provide a sample of work you’ve worked on previously?

  4. Have you worked on a book in my niche?

  5. What style guide do you use?

Jodi walks you through each of these questions and some smaller points to help you pick the right members for your book editing team. Take a listen below or wherever you listen to podcasts!

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