Episode 28: Sharing Your Story in a Book: Melissa Anzman

Today on the show Jodi interviews Melissa Anzman, author of The Employee Experience Solution (2020). Here are some highlights from their conversation.  |  Write.Publish.Market. Podcast  |  Jodi Brandon Editorial

Today on the show Jodi interviews Melissa Anzman, author of The Employee Experience Solution (2020). Here are some highlights from their conversation:

  • Jodi and Melissa talked about how Melissa had the idea for this book in her head for a long time and believed the message she wants to share belongs in a book. She previously published two other books that sell well at speaking engagements, so she realized having a book on the same topic that she speaks about would be smart.

  • Melissa calls herself a “pantster” (as in, someone who likes to write without an outline or plan), so she disliked the idea of outlining. She loved writing certain sections of the book and admitted that, while working from an outline sometimes made writing feel more like an obligation than a creative outlet, the end result was so much better.

  • Though she just released the book a couple weeks ago, Melissa shared that she’s excited about the networking and community the book has opened up for her already. She’s also leveraged a light upsell (a $97 product) and earned more speaking opportunities.

  • Melissa shared some advice for aspiring author-entrepreneurs from both a tactical and a strategic standpoint. Tactically, she advised to make a deadline and honor it, which often means finding someone (an editor, a writing partner, a friend) to hold you accountable. Strategically, Melissa encouraged others to be sure their book topic dovetails with what you want to be known for. A book is an easy way for people to learn about you and your ideas, so it should fit into your “business toolkit.” Melissa also encouraged other author-entrepreneurs to remember that a book is a long game when it comes to marketing. Also: She doesn’t recommend launching a book while traveling.

  • Because she co-owns a book review website, Melissa regularly reads six to eight books a week and can’t pick a favorite. For business, she rereads Essentialism by Greg McKeown every year.

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